Well we don't actually own land to build on yet so this first bit will just be about where we are staying in the mean time and a few pictures of that. Lorien, Tesla, Ryu, Kaiya and I have been living in our rental for about two months now. Our stuff is unpacked, we've made a few new friends and have thus far not acquired any new animals.

5am sunrise from our back porch

and our living room as it is just now.
Blogger appears to be cranky with me for trying to load photos so I'll have to call it quits for now and come back with more in episode two.
Can I come over and throw a disc off your porch? Also, why are you looking to build when you have a dank-ass rental that you can declare as a sovereign nation, defend it with your knives and bo staffs and dogs, and then have a party every weekend? I'd call it Bammocrattia, but that's just me.
ahh, but then they'd miss out on all the fun of home building- digging a foundation in maine's bedrock ridden substrate, framing the perimeter to find you've made one wall 2 inches too short, the electrical wire you string throughout your house before discovering its the wrong gauge, waiting on the plumber, who for seven weeks now has been saying... "Uh yup, be theyah tomorrow". ha ha- I'm only jealous, obviously. Sylvan Gardens, eh? What if I use it in a book that gets published before you finish your house? I'd say the race is on. :)
Why would anyone want to Live in Maine with a wonderful beautiful view like that? That is what you let Minnesota for. Mountain and lake views at sunrise. Well let me ask you one thing, can Maine have an abundance of geese that poop everywhere?
That is what i thought.
If you have a room to rent maybe i can talk wifey into coming out there and living there. It looks awesome!
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