As you may or may not be able to tell there is a pretty solid rock in the middle of our proposed house site. It is gigantic piece of ledge... the tip of the ice berg if you will. We are either going to take the simple route and just bury the thing under the house, we need to build up anyway for drainage reasons, or we are considering having someone blow it up! I'm looking into the latter option if for no other reason that it could be awesome. And yes the brush piles have already crept into the scene, I'm burning again this week :P
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Goodbye Stumps
We went to Minneapolis last Wednesday for a wedding. When we arrived back here in Maine we had a new culvert (way cooler than it sounds) for our road. Even more exciting the excavator driver put in a day worth of stump pulling and dirt pushing and made us a quasi house site. It still needs a fair amount of excavation and grading work but it is a huge improvement from the hundred or so stumps that had been there!

As you may or may not be able to tell there is a pretty solid rock in the middle of our proposed house site. It is gigantic piece of ledge... the tip of the ice berg if you will. We are either going to take the simple route and just bury the thing under the house, we need to build up anyway for drainage reasons, or we are considering having someone blow it up! I'm looking into the latter option if for no other reason that it could be awesome. And yes the brush piles have already crept into the scene, I'm burning again this week :P
As you may or may not be able to tell there is a pretty solid rock in the middle of our proposed house site. It is gigantic piece of ledge... the tip of the ice berg if you will. We are either going to take the simple route and just bury the thing under the house, we need to build up anyway for drainage reasons, or we are considering having someone blow it up! I'm looking into the latter option if for no other reason that it could be awesome. And yes the brush piles have already crept into the scene, I'm burning again this week :P
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Halloween 2009
Name change
Greetings from Lorien, here trying my first ever blog posting (yeah, that's right computer friends, laugh away). After spending a year digging around in the "dirt"on our property, we've decided to change our new home's name from the slightly esoteric and lofty-goaled "Sylvan Gardens" to the far more apropos "Stonehaven". The name first came to mind as we were preparing the site for our first garden. Any of you who garden know that one of the first projects is to till the soil and then dig holes to plant the stuff in, usually done with some sort of trowel and a shovel. Ours was done with a big-ass pick axe, along with a giant steel levering bar to move the rocks. The only advantage is that we didn't really have to dig any holes- we just pried out a rock and stuck the plant in. "Stonehaven"it is!
Progress to Date
It is probably fair to say that the bulk of progress we have made on the house/site since our last post in August is clean up work. We finally finished the gargantuan firewood project which was precipitated by the initial clearing for a house site and open space for a view. Still in the queue from that expedition is the management of the brush/slash piles.
I figured out that I cleared somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 to 3 acres of formerly dense albeit young woods. This resulted in somewhere around 50 brush piles the size of sedans. Happily the winter snows last year worked wonders in compressing these piles, if doing nothing to actually remove them. Since August I have run two piles through my small wood chipper (thanks Mom and Dad!) it is very slow going but the mulch was very useful for the perennial gardens we planted this summer. We also had 3 huge piles which were sitting on our proposed house site that we burned a few weeks ago.

The tractor is on long term loan from Lorien's father, it has been very helpful with everything from bringing up firewood to bush hogging trails and pushing brush into a bonfire! Sorry Joel it is a Kubota I suppose beggars can't be choosers.
With the brush piles off of the house site we are hoping to bring in an excavator to do some stump removal and scuff off the site in the next week or two. We are also just beginning the process of collecting stone off out of the woods for the construction of our masonry heater. We need to pick about 200% of the veneer of the heater. This works out to about 500 sqft of surface area made up of 4 inch thick stones. Yep, that will be a lot of stone. Just think, we are considering building part of our barn with stone too... anyone want to come help move stones... anyone?
I figured out that I cleared somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 to 3 acres of formerly dense albeit young woods. This resulted in somewhere around 50 brush piles the size of sedans. Happily the winter snows last year worked wonders in compressing these piles, if doing nothing to actually remove them. Since August I have run two piles through my small wood chipper (thanks Mom and Dad!) it is very slow going but the mulch was very useful for the perennial gardens we planted this summer. We also had 3 huge piles which were sitting on our proposed house site that we burned a few weeks ago.
With the brush piles off of the house site we are hoping to bring in an excavator to do some stump removal and scuff off the site in the next week or two. We are also just beginning the process of collecting stone off out of the woods for the construction of our masonry heater. We need to pick about 200% of the veneer of the heater. This works out to about 500 sqft of surface area made up of 4 inch thick stones. Yep, that will be a lot of stone. Just think, we are considering building part of our barn with stone too... anyone want to come help move stones... anyone?
Winter is coming... again
I have received a number of emails asking for blog updates. It feels like not much has been done on the project since I have posted last, particularly since we know that actual ground breaking for the house won't occur until next May. That being said there have been some nice developments with the project and we have had some great visits from our friends and family. Here are a few pictures from the two most recent visits (Skip and Justine for a weekend of hiking and Sam for an extended weekend of backpacking and homemade ravioli making).

We also found a young porcupine living underneath our bush hog (giant mower towed behind a tractor) but we can't seem to find the pictures of him or our wildly successful effort to transplant him (no seriously we trapped him in a rubbermaid bin and Lorien took him 5 miles away!)
We also found a young porcupine living underneath our bush hog (giant mower towed behind a tractor) but we can't seem to find the pictures of him or our wildly successful effort to transplant him (no seriously we trapped him in a rubbermaid bin and Lorien took him 5 miles away!)
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