Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Name change

Greetings from Lorien, here trying my first ever blog posting (yeah, that's right computer friends, laugh away). After spending a year digging around in the "dirt"on our property, we've decided to change our new home's name from the slightly esoteric and lofty-goaled "Sylvan Gardens" to the far more apropos "Stonehaven". The name first came to mind as we were preparing the site for our first garden. Any of you who garden know that one of the first projects is to till the soil and then dig holes to plant the stuff in, usually done with some sort of trowel and a shovel. Ours was done with a big-ass pick axe, along with a giant steel levering bar to move the more...er...hefty rocks. The only advantage is that we didn't really have to dig any holes- we just pried out a rock and stuck the plant in. "Stonehaven"it is!


Unknown said...

Love it! Gives you a new appreciation for the hundreds of miles of stone walls in maine. that's a LOT of gardens!

Unknown said...

It will be beautiful and tranquil when you get it done. And you will need the tranquility to recover. Glad you have the vision, energy and smarts to do this wonderful home building project. Love and best wishes to you both, Dad

p.s. hope the guest bedroom has a great view!