The timber frame finished going up on August 2nd. On Tuesday the 3rd we put up the 1st floor North and West SIPs walls. On Wednesday and Thursday we installed the floor joists and built the floor deck. On Friday we began installing the wood ceiling on top of the timber frame and got ready for the next load of panels. On Sunday we finished the V-match wood ceiling.

Northwest corner of the house, with first floor SIPs up. Tom is standing in the door from the soon-to-be garage into the house.

I was quite pleased to drive the lull (giant 4x4 forklift to move materials and people around. With a 40 beam it is a pretty sweet piece of equipment.

We framed the great room face (south) with 2x6s because there are so many windows it would be inefficient to use SIPs.

Finishing up the V-match ceiling.

Ceiling view from standing in the Kitchen.
Got room for a couple people from MN to just live in the awesomeness that is your home?
This looks great! Keep it up!
Lovin the look of the frame. This is lookin baller, can't wait to see the final product!
It's like a giant lego palace...
I love it! Lorien said it was all enclosed- how about a shot of the "finished" product.
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