It has been some time since our last posting, largely because the work we have been doing isn't terribly photogenic. Since the last posting about panels we have been doing detail work with sheathing the walls, getting the roof on and building the garage. I would have liked to have a few photos of building the garage but I forgot my camera on those two days, que sera sera.
Most recently we have been installing a boat load of strapping (read: 1x3 pine strips) on the walls to create ventilation channel between our siding and the house. This is highly recommended on all new construction and virtually imperative on SIPs construction. Without the ventilation chase if water migrates between the siding and the walls it is likely to rot your walls ... which would be bad.

Here is a picture of the eastern face of the house fully strapped out. The windows went in it yesterday. The upper right hand corner is our master bath, with the guest bedroom below that. The sliding door in the middle goes to the master bedroom and will connect to a deck above our screen porch which will likely need to be built this spring.

Here is a view of the south wall of the garage, recently roofed and the corner of the greenhouse which we will begin closing in today.

This is the front side of our garage, the window on the left is part of my shop.

And here is a chop saw sitting in the middle of our living room, windows recently installed. The small window you can barely see on the right goes into the greenhouse.
Great to see the place coming together...
sweet! Dig the roof color.
But Ross, aren't the battens supposed to go on AFTER the boards?
Woah, my verification word is "rhipycal". Coolest fake word ever- I pronounce the following definition to be: "rhipycal;adj., one who cavorts with mannequins, usually for exercise, on thursdays, or the second friday of every month".
I plan to begin using it immediately in conversation.
When will the guest room be available? Dad
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