Here is the Google satellite link to the site, the terrain button will let you see the topo of the site.,+Wilton,+ME&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=63.215425,104.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=44.633146,-70.200341&spn=0.00707,0.012789&t=h&z=16
Our desktop computer is on the fritz and our scanner isn't out of the box from moving so I couldn't scan in the floor plan drawings. I did, however, have some free time yesterday morning so I made up some powerpoint graphics of them! Let the advice begin!

The font is pretty small and is hard to read in the blog window, if you click on the image an enlarged version should appear. If you have trouble seeing these or just want a higher quality copy send me an email and I'll get them to you.
We will be taking pictures of the site and putting them up either later today or by Monday.
Ross and Lorien
Haven't even delved into the house plan, but I'm taking a course at the U for site plans right now, so I just got excited about the satellite shots and terrain maps. Looks like you'll have a nice southern-faced slope to squeeze every drip of balmy Maine sunshine you can get, which I'm sure was a goal for yous. Also, it looks like you're one fencehop away from a--- baseball diamond? I see some sort of fantasy vacation where we have a Field Of Dreams Ultimate game in the outfield, at night, with glowsticks. I'll bring a new wedding dress and tux t-shirt for you guys.
This blog is tight, by the way.
No turning back now. it is all or nothing! Congratulations on getting the land officially and may your ground breaking go well.
The house looks great and i am sure the Toboggan run will be a little more lethal in the years to come :)
Ross this is GREAT! With any luck you guys will have done all the leg work for us when we move home and want to build a house... will it seem like copying if my floor plan looks "similar" to yours, but with the toilet and sink in reverse places???
How about some before and after pictures of all this brush clearing I keep hearing about?
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