When all was said and done they brought in more than 1200 cubic yards of fill for the house site... that is 100 full dump trucks at 12 cubic yards per truck.
It was pretty neat watching the well guys drill the well, their 6" bit just chugged through 175' of solid ledge.
This week has been the first week of what feels like actual construction. We began setting the forms for the concrete slab yesterday and got about 2/3rds of the way done. Today we were rained out and hopefully we can finish up the forms tomorrow. If all goes well we should be pouring the concrete in the middle to end of next week! It is very exciting to be moving forward though I must admit it is a bit unnerving to think that after next week things will literally be set in stone.
Water, electricity, dirt what more would you need in a home?
Thaz pretty sweet dude, crazy to see your land flat and rock/stump free. When do you start building the actual frame?
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